(ممکن است هنگام انتقال از فایل اصلی به داخل سایت بعضی متون به هم بریزد یا بعضی نمادها و اشکال درج نشود ولی در فایل دانلودی همه چیز مرتب و کامل است)

Dedication. I

Acknowledgments. V

Abstract V

Chapter one Introduction

overvie. 3
1.1. Statement of the Problem.. 8

1.2. Research questions. 10

1.3. Research hypothesizes. 10

1.4. Significance of the study. 11

1.5. Definition of technical terms. 11

Chapter two: Literature review

2.1 Literature review.. 17

2.2.  The related empirical studies. 24

Chapter three: Methods and procedures

3.1. Introduction. 32

3.2.Research questions. 32

3.3. participants. 32

3.4. collection procedure 33

3.5. Data analysis. 34

Chapter four: Results and Discussion

4.1. Overview.. 36

4.2 .Demographic statistics. 36

4.2.1. Demographic statistics regarding the age of the participants. 36

4.2.2. Demographic statistics regarding the age of the participants. 37

4.2.3. Demographic statistics regarding the language of participants. 38

4.2.4. Demographic statistics regarding the education of the participants. 38

Table4.4: Frequency distribution of respondents in terms of education group. 39

4.3. Descriptive statistics. 39

4.3. Investigating the research hypotheses. 42

4.3.1. First hypothesis. 42

4.3.2. Second hypothesis: 46

4.3.4. Fourth hypothesis. 53

4.4. As stated in chapter one, in this study four main hypothesis were formulated which are. 56

4.4.1. First hypothesis. 56

4.4.2. Second hypothesis. 58

4.4.3. Third hypothesis. 60

4.4.4. Fourth hypothesis. 61

4.4.Discussion. 62


Chapter five: Summary and conclusion

5.1. Overview.. 66

5.2. Summary of the study. 66

5.3. Conclusion. 67

5.4. Implication for practice. 68

5.5. Limitations of study. 68

5.6. Suggestion for further research. 69

References. 71

  برای دانلود متن کامل پایان نامه ها اینجا کلیک کنید

Appendix. 78


List of Tables

Table4.1: Frequency distribution of respondents in terms of Gender 36

Table4.2. Frequency distribution of respondents in terms of Age group. 37

Table4.3. Frequency distribution of respondents in terms of language. 38

Table4.4: Frequency distribution of respondents in terms of education group. 39

Table4.5. the average and standard deviation of intensification scores used by all groups  39

Table 4.6.The average and standard deviation of explanation scores used by all groups: 40

Table 4.7.the average and standard deviation of all groups’ scores on taking responsibility  40

Table4.8: The average and standard deviation of all groups’ scores on concern for the hearer 41

Table 4.9: The average and standard deviation of all groups’ scores on denial of responsibility. 41

Table4.10: The average and standard  deviation of all groups’ score on offer of repair 42

Table 4.11: T- test for investigating the relationship between gender and intensification strategy. 43

Table 4.12: T- test for investigating the relationship between gender and explanation strategy. 43

Table 4.13: T- test for investigating the relationship between genders and taking responsibility. 44

Table 4.14: T-test for investigating the relationship between gender and concern for the hearer 44

Table 4.15: T- test for investigating the relationship between gender and denial of responsibility. 45

Table .4.16: T- test for investigating the relationship between gender and offer responsibility. 45

Table 4.17: T- test for investigating the relationship between age and intensification strategy. 46

Table 4.18: T- test for investigating the relationship between age and explanation strategy  47

Tabl4.19: T- test for investigating the relationship between age and taking responsibility strategy. 47

Table 4.20: T-test for investigating relationship between age and concern for the hearer strategy. 48

Table 4.21: T- test for investigating the relationship between age and denial of responsibility. 48

Table 22.4: T-test for investigating relationship between age and offer of repair strategy  49

Table 23-4: T- test for investigating the relationship between language and intensification strategy. 50

Table 24.4: T- test for investigating relationship between language and explanation strategy. 50

Table 25-4: T- test for investigating relationship between language and taking responsibility. 51

Table 4.26: T- test for investigating relationship between language and concern for the hearer. 51

Table 4.27: T- test for investigating relationship between language and denial of responsibility. 52

Table 4.28: T- test for the investigating the relationship between language and offer of repair strategy. 52

Table 4.29: T- test for investigating the relationship between education and intensification strategy. 53

Table4.30: T- test for investigating the relationship between education and explanation strategy. 54

Table4.31: T- test for investigating relationship between education and taking responsibility. 54

Table 4.32: T- test for investigating the relationship between education and concern for the hearer strategy. 55

Table 4.33: T- test for investigating the relationship between education and denial of responsibility strategy. 55

Table 4.34: T-test for investigating the relationship between education and offer of repair strategy. 56

Table 4.35. T- Test for investigating the relationship between gender and apology strategy  56

Table 4.36. T-test for investigating the relationship between age and apology strategy  58

Table 4.37. T- Test for investigating the relationship between language and apology strategies. 60

Table 4.38.To- Test for investigating the relationship between education and apology strategies. 61


List of figure

Figure 4.1. Frequency of respondents based on gender 37

Figure 4.2. Frequency of participants based on age. 37

Figure4.3. Frequency of respondents based on language. 38

Figure4.4. Frequency of participants based on education. 39

The present study was aimed at exploring and describing apology strategies among Kurdish bilinguals in Ilam, Iran. It attempts to systematize the various strategies used for the purpose of apologizing from the pragmatic point of view. The current study involves 80 subjects of Kurdish bilinguals in Ilam, consisting of 40 male and 40 female subjects. The subjects were chosen randomly to participate in this study. The data of this study was collected through a controlled elicitation method based on questionnaire which is a modified version of ‘Discourse Compilation Test’. Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques such as T-Test have been used to show the meaningfulness of the relationship between gender, age, language, and education of respondents and their apology strategies. The prime finding of this study revealed that there is no meaningful relationship between gender, age, language and apology strategies used by Ilami people. However, education of respondents was found to be an effective factor on the use of apology strategy. The results indicated that the respondents have frequent tendency toward using “explanation”, “taking responsibility” and offer of “repair strategies”. They do not, however, show much inclination toward “intensification” and “concern for the hearer”.

Keyword: apology strategy, gender, bilinguals, speech act, Kurdish    

Chapter one
1. Overview
“Apologies are defined as primarily social acts, carrying effective meaning “(Holmes, 1990, P.1550). According to Brown and Levinson, apologies are politeness strategies. An apology is primarily a social act. It is aimed at maintaining good relation between participants. To apologize is to act politely, both in vernacular sense and in more technical sense of paying attention to the addressee’s face needs (Brown and Levinson, 1987). An apology is a fundamental speech act which is a part of human communication occurs in every culture to maintain good relations between interlocutors.

Goffman (1967, p. 14) referred to an apology as a remedy, the one essential element in a remedial interchange. This term nicely highlights the central function of apologies to provide remedy for an offense and restore social equilibrium or harmony (Edmonson 1981, p. 280, leech, 1983, p. 25) (cited in Holmes, 1990, p. 159). Holmes(1990) defines an ‘apology’ is a speech act addressed to B’s face needs and intended to remedy an offense for which it takes responsibility , and thus to restore  equilibrium between A and B (where A is the apologizer and B is the person offended). Apologies, like compliments, are primarily aimed at maintaining on supporting the addressee’s and in some cases the apologizer’s “face” (Goffman 1967). According to Brown and Levinson (1987), apologies are negative politeness strategies because they are face treating to the apologizer.”

Olshtain (1985, p.184) defines an apology as “a speech act which   to intended to provide support for the hearer who was actually or potentially affected by violation”. when one offers an apology ,one shows willingness to humiliate oneself to an extent that make an apology a face-saving act for the hearer and face-threatening act for speaker. Apologies fall under expressive speech acts in which speakers attempt to indicate their attitude. In order for an apology to have an effect, it should reflect true feelings. One cannot effectively apologize to another and truly reach him/her unless one portrays honest feelings of sorrow and regret for whatever one has done (Gooder and Jacobs, 2000).

Apologies fall under expressive speech acts in which speaker attempt to indicate their state or attitude. In order for an apology to have an effect, it should reflect true feelings. One cannot effectively apologize to another and truly reach him/her unless one portrays honest feelings of sorrow and regret for whatever one has done” (fahmi, R. & fahmi, Rula, 2006, p.193).

An apology for Goffman (1971, p.140) is one type of ‘remedy’ among other. For Holmes (1995, p.155) it is a speech act that is intended to remedy the

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